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Summary of Question:"Day To Day Living"
Date Posted:Monday, 3/06/2000 7:52 PM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I hope everyone is in great health mentally and physically.
I had afew questions on my mind, it would really helpful if you could answer as soon as possible.

>>Day to day living in a society full of social competition how is a Sikh disciple suppose to live? honesty breaks a person inwardly, the lack of sufficent funding to support survival causes a person to look down themselves without hope of a better day. The way temptation is getting and greed, envy of others and educational stability how is one to bring about peace in thy self? it seems as though there is no end to any problems and everyday they get worse and worse, more complicated then before. Is there an explanation that Nanak give with dealing with these everyday difficulties?

please you can reply with compassion it will be taken as gesture of love.

A Sikh looking for underlining solutions


Dear One:
Sat Siri Akaal. Sorry for the delay. While what you say is true when we look broadly at society around us, it does not have to be so for the individual. Nanak tells us that Creator made so many different kinds of peole, with differnet lives and karms. Still, our free will lets us make choices: how we want to live, and the choices we make indicate whether our daily living is honorable or not. If you or anyone chooses to scramble and be dishonest for the money earned, don't you think this will come back to you karmically? 20th pauri of Japji tells us that as we sow, so do we reap (aapay beej, apay he khao). The law of cause/effect affects EVERYONE. So honorable living will reap honorable results, no matter if we are poor or rich.

Gurbani is full of references to the fact that, for those who meditate on the Naam, their affairs will be arranged. [U.S. dollar bill has a motto that says, "In God We Trust." ]If the Creator can spin this world, don't you think he can arrange your affairs? Gurbani is also full of references to people who continue to go the rounds of births and deaths because they did not remember God in their daily affairs; all they did was chase after money and wealth. 10th Master Guru Gobind SIngh's Tev Prasad Swaye points out that all the kings and emperors of the world in the end have nothing, if they did not love the One Creator (see pauri 10 of that bani).

The one and only command of Siri Guru is in Mool Mantr. "Jap" - "MEDITATE!"
Guru gave us bani and simran and Das Vandh: Give 1/10th of your earnings and 1/10 of your day to God. This is a law of prosperity that is understood in many faiths, not just Sikh. Remember God's Name at least 1/10th of your day, and give 1/10th of your take home pay to the Sikh foundation/Gurdwara of your choice (and let go of it, don't think about how it is spent!) You have GIVEN and that is all that is needed. Gurbani is also replete with references to the fact that the Lord is the Great Giver (just read English versions of the Nit Naym or Sukhmani Sahib and you will see it again and again), and that whatever he gives us is His gift (see 25th pauri of Japji: Kaytia dukh bhook sadh mar, ay bhee daat tayree dataar). So if our lives our difficult, it is because he is gifting us with challenges, which when we meet them victoriously, shine our souls. So long as we trust in God's plan and keep remembering Him we will be rewarded. Gurbani thus tells us to trust in the Lord to guide you to the best way to make a li
ving, and to ensure that your needs are covered. The way to build and deepen this trust is to meditate. Meditation will give you the neutral mind you need to meet any worldly challenge with grace and 'sehej' or equipoise.

I hope this is of help. Guru Rakha,

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