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Summary of Question:Marijuana
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/11/2002 4:38 PM MDT

i am 19 years old. i am sikh, although i do not keep my hair. i smoke marijuana every single day for the past 8 years. Is it wrong? Since marijuana is a plant, i think it is a vegetable so there for it is healthy. Green plants are said to improve vision and save from cancer. I think smoking it is wrong, because in sikhy it says "No smoking" therefore, i put the powder up marijuana and eat it or mix it with milk and drink it. is marijuana a vegetable like my teacher told me?

babbu mann
[email protected]


Well, smoking it is wrong, drinking it is wrong, and eating it is wrong. PLEASE Treat your body like a temple, keep it clean, well groomed and free of intoxicants especially drugs of all kinds.

... and rationalizing it is no excuse ... in the end IT IS WRONG. Not only becase the Gurus said so but becasue it is unhealthy, marijuana espeically imparires clear thinking, inhibits sexual function, and of course can cause cancer and most of all inhibits distintion and is clearly illegal. You are a young man with a whole life in front of you why do you want to throw it away in this way?

You are most likely of school going age... Focus on school, and on reaching out and helping others and become a productive member of society. Please go get some help in kicking this drug habit.


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