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Summary of Question:Gurbani Does Say The Soul Is In The Womb For The Whole 9 Months.
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/14/2008 10:28 AM MDT

Vaheguroo jee ka Khalsa Vaheguroo jee kee Fateh!

I have seen many posts in which it is mentioned that the soul enters the body on the 120th day. One post stated that this was what Yogi Bhajan ji taught, and whatever he taught was according to Gurbani.

However, in bani it says:

According to Gurbani:

dhas maas maathaa oudhar raakhiaa bahur laagee maaeiaa ||1||
For ten months He preserved you in your mother's womb, and then, after you were born, you became attached to Maya. ||1||


jab dhas maas ouradhh mukh rehathaa so dhin kaisae bhooliaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Have you forgotten those days, when you were hanging, face down, for ten months? ||1||Pause||

(Ten months of lunar calendar = nine months of solar calendar)

So how can it be that the soul enters after 120 days when it clearly says ten months? It can't be that God is protecting just a physical body, because the bani is talking about the soul being in the womb, and then becoming attached to maya (first pankti). A body itself can't be attached to maya, so it must be that the soul was in the body since conception.

Vaheguroo jee ka Khalsa Vaheguroo jee kee Fateh!

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Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

Great question. Thank you. Clearly Guru Ji is speaking to us after birth and reminding us that God protected us when we were helpless, inside our mother's womb. "You" doesn't mean soul. It means being. The bani is to make us understand that we are not in control, and that God is the protector. Of course, it is not until some time after birth that we even begin to experience any separateness between our self and God and the creation. We are not born with the sense of self (ego.) These quotes have nothing to do with the soul entering. The soul is attracted by the frequency of the mother, and even though a soul may "have dibs" on a particular body, it may not necessarily enter that body at all. This has nothing to do with YB. If you meditate during pregnancy you will experience it and understand it yourself.


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Gurbani Does Say The Soul Is In The Womb For The Whole 9 Months. (05/14/2008)
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