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Summary of Question:Gurmat Way
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/02/2003 10:07 AM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Ji!

Happy new Year, all Sikhnet Moderators I wish all the best with your answering Questions in new Year.

I have been doing simple Simran now 4 about 1 or 2 years now, just naam simran and I have not yet beared the fruits of my good deeds, is this bcoz i am a sinner?? I do sin or will i bear the fruits of my simran in this life? wen will this happen? Have u got any new type of simran that i can do (makeitsimple)

Thank You for the seva u have all given me, Thanku

(REPLY) Sat Nam. What results or "fruits" are you expecting? Repeating God's Name is done for devotion, not to get "results." Who knows how many lifetimes of karma we each are working out now in this lifetime! Anyone who expects there's a specific time table for liberation or enlightenment has not understood how the universe works! Read Japji Sahib in a translation that you can understand, and keep doing your simran. And offer all fruits of all your actions to God -- and offer your head to the Guru -- in other words, remember that God is the Doer, and be grateful that God has given you the breath of life so that you CAN chant God's Name! Simple meditation is to breathe long and deep through the nose and think "SAT" on the inhale, and "NAM" on the exhale. Blessings, SP

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