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Summary of Question: | How To Recite Gurbani |
Category: | Gurbani |
Date Posted: | Tuesday, 4/06/2010 6:37 AM MDT |
when i read gurbani, couldnt properly concentrate on it, as my im recing my mind want to repeat it again and again unless i could't recite by it hear.
Please resolve my query.
Sat Nam,
It's OK. If your mind wants to keep repeating something then just take that portion and keep repeating it as long as your mind desires. Even if you don't get through the whole bani that day, just keep doing what your mind wants in this case.
All of our scriptures were designed in such a way that would be healing to us if we recite them. It is all based on sound technology, Shabad Guru or also known as the technology of Naad. If a line or a word or a whole pauri sticks in your mind all day don't try to chase it away. It only means that your being needs these words for deep healing that is why your mind wants to keep repeating it. When healing occurs you can move on and read the whole bani without a problem, but if your mind keeps coming back to some spot than take it as a blessing because you just found something that can really work great for you and help you move forward in your healing process or connect deeper into your own soul.