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Summary of Question:Personal Power And Discipline
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/16/2002 9:22 PM MST

Could you please help me?? I feel like I am seriously lacking in discipline and in personal power. I feel that this is negatively affecting my life and has been for some time. I want to give off a powerful impression, the one I give off now seems to be self conscious. Could you please give me a simple meditaiton that will raise both personal power and strengthen my discipline?

Thank you very much.


Sat Nam. A few specific things came to me for you to practice: First one is: recite or sing the Shabd "Nam Kee Badaaee dayee, Guru Ram Das" (I'm sure you can find the words somewhere on Sikhnet) This shabd is to be recited when one wants to strengthen his/her discipline! The other powerful thing is to recite JAAP SAHIB by Guru Gobind Singh aloud - every day without fail. The power in this bani is to give you Majesty and self confidence! "This bani brings rulership, self-command and self grace. It brings royalty, divinity, ecstasy, bliss, bountifulness beauty and grace. IT TAKES AWAY FEAR AND BRINGS VITALITY, COURAGE POWER AND STRENGTH AND SELF-ESTEEM." People don't realize that each bani has its own unique power and impact on our lives, and so when Guru Gobind Singh told the Khalsa to recite them every day, he was insuring that they would be given the tools to excel in life! And one more suggestion for you: take five minutes at least every day to sit quietly and breathe long and deep, inhaling SAT and exhaling NAM mentally as you breathe through the nose. This will help you to remember that God lives and breathes in you at all times! Best wishes and blessings, SP (p.s. There is an English translation of JAAP Sahib available from Hand Made books, 899 N. Wilmot. Suite C-2, Tucson AZ 85711 c/o Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. Also I believe he has also published a Shabd Kirtan book )

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