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Summary of Question:Lack Of Motivation
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/16/2002 4:12 PM MDT

Hello, and thankyou for taking your time to answer my question.

I am sikh and have a skin disorder called vitiligo (white skin patches). basically, i have been trying to make my skin better by doing paath, drinking my medicine. However, recently i dont feel bothered to take my medicine and especailly dont do my paath. I guess im just looking for some words of wisdom, so that i feel motivated to help myself get my skin disorder better.
There is a more than 75% chance that when i have children, that my child will have white skin patches on his/her skin, unless i cure all the white patches on my body. Knowing this information, it should be enough to make me take my medicine regularily and to do my paath. However, this information has not sunk in yet, and i am not doing anything to help cure my skin.
At the moment, i have a perfect opportunity to cure my skin because i have finished university and am on my holidays until i go back in september. However, i have been at home and have basically been sitting on my backside and not doing anything. I am 20 years old by the way.

If you could just please give me some words of wisdom that will motivate me to help myself to make my skin better.



Sat Siri Akal.

God gave you life. God gave you a body. God gave you a certain number of breaths in order to accomplish a certain number of things in this life. Ultimately, what you do with your life is up to you. No one can help you but you. No one can take care of your body/mind/soul but you. It's about caring for yourself. Have you ever seen a beautiful sunset, and you say-wow-look at that beautiful sky God created? Well-go look in the mirror and realize you are just as beautiful, if not more beautiful than the sunset. God created you. See the glory of it and inspire yourself to take care of this most precious, priceless life.

Hope these words help.



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