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Summary of Question:Caste- Whtas The Meaning Of This?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/19/2002 5:36 PM MDT

Ever since I can remember, my family have been teaching me about caste, the differences, the do's and don'ts. But over the past 3 years, I've seen the darker sides of members in my family. My Older Brother is soon to be married with a Jhatti girl. My family are Dhakhan. Now, as far as I know, Sikhism teachs that everyone is equal. But many of my family members are predujice toward her. She is mixing with our family, and ive gotten to know her really well.I'm happy if my Brother is happy, but its the rest of my family.

Over the past couple of years, they have said stuff about her that offended me, and at one point, it got so bad that had a go at her and upset her. That nearly ruined things between us and my brother. I believe that that was under influence, coz I'm not such a strong person, but more recently, I have stood up to those who were being so rude and saying stuff about her. The first question they asked me was 'why are you stickin' up for her?', 'shes Jhatti' etc. This does not include my mother. My real problem, is that I'm getting stuck in the middle of all this and I'm only 15. What I want to know, is , is there anything in our religion that says marrying another 'caste' is wrong? And is'nt it true that one of the Ten Gurus wanted the 'caste system'abolished coz it put people in rank? Is it so wrong for a Dhakhan to marry a Jhatti?
I would really appreciate it if you answered my question, as I'm quite confused.
(REPLY) You are right, there should be no "caste" consciousness. this was abolished once and for all by Guru Gobind Singh when he told all men to use the name Singh and all women to use the name Kaur -- that way, the last name would no longer identify a person's caste. From the very beginning, Guru Nanak taught that we should respect ALL people, and even in the Ardas, we say "Nanak nam, cherdi kalaa, tere bani sarbat da balaa." We wish good to ALL people. A true Sikh never tries to feel superior to anyone. Clinging to attitudes about inferior or superior castes is an old, outdated cultural habit, and you are wise enough to recognize that it is wrong. On one hand we want to respect our parents and our elders, but on the other hand it is important for you to speak the Truth, when you see it. May God and Guru give you the wisdom, the strength and the courage to live to your highest consciousness. Blessings, SP

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