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Summary of Question:Is Fish Inclued As Meat? For A Amrit Thari?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/24/2001 6:30 PM MDT

my question is, is fish include in the meat group because on the radio and some people do say that it is not included, but i disagree because when a person kills soemthing they kill the life in it and whatever they kill and eat that has life should be known as meat. Is it right when a amrit thari person eats meat/fish but for there health and if they need it for energy? that question i do not know but would like an answer!

You are right, fish as well as meat, is the flesh of an animal.This is not allowed. Food gives energy. But the flesh of an animal gives the consciousness of that animal to the human when they consume it.

Digestion of animals in our system make us slugish and slow, for they take over 24 hours to be processed in our digestive system.

Sounds like you need to study vegetarian nutrition and food combining if you are lacking energy. Or, get your health checked out. Vegetarians tend to have greater vitality and resilience than nonvegetarians.

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Is Fish Inclued As Meat? For A Amrit Thari? (03/24/2001)
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