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Summary of Question:Why Did Some White Americans Became Sikhs?
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/01/2002 12:13 PM MDT

Sat Shri Akal

I live in Norway.
I have heard that some White Americans became Sikhs in the 80s and so on.
I would like to know the main reason why they did so? The thing is that Norway is a country with a very small number of Sikhs, and some times people tend to ask guestions about Sikhism and so on. And in that matter I have to tell them why some whites have convertet to sikhism. There is a lot of ignorance towards our religion in this country. I would like to do something with it.

So i am making a Norwegian Sikh website. There is not any at this moment, neither guruduwara website or any educational.

It would be greatfull if some white sikhs reply this question:

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Here is a link to an article that may serve to give you some insight to this Database 'Sikhnet Today', View 'Articles\by Status', Document 'How I Became a Sikh'

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Sat Sri Akal Ji, Thank you for your question.
The simplest answer to your question is that Sikhism, and the teachings of Guru Nanak and the rest of the Gurus, teach about one God and the equality of all men and women, how to live a truthful, honest, serviceful and righteous life. The teachings are meant for anyone, whether a householder, a farmer, a businessman, a white person, a Punjabi, or an African. Sikhism is an attractive religion for many people because of its philosophies and lifestyle. Sikhs stand out and are proud of it. Sikhs strive to be saints while also learning the value of protecting what is theirs. Sikhs chant the name of God to bring an elevated consciousness and to help them on the troublesome path of life. Sikhs learn honestly by the sweat of their brow and share with others. The Sikhs also have a wonderful resource, which is a sangat, people who can share the path of Sikhi and life. With all of these teachings contained in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib many people have found peace in the Sikh religion. In America and other countries there is a lot of Maya, a lot of problems, a lot of disillusionment with life and lost values. Through Sikhism many of them have found inner peace and a lifestyle of giving, sharing, and growing.
I think it will be wonderful seva to start a Norwegian Sikh website and teach people what you know. All luck on your venture.

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Why Did Some White Americans Became Sikhs? (06/01/2002)
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