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Summary of Question:Can't We Still Be Together?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/15/2001 12:46 PM MDT

first of all

im not a sikh
im from Central America
I love very deeply a girl that will soon get bautism as a sikh
she says that after that she will only get married with a sikh person
cos they will ask her at this ceremony if she will get married with a sikh
and she will answer yes
im so desperate, i dont know what to do, im not ready for this
and im not sure im ready for this lifestyle
i respect this religion very much, and agree with it in so many subjects
but deep inside i am not a sikh,
maybe God hasn't called for me yet
what i'm askin is
is there any way we can still b together?
i wish u could know us, u would instantly see that is pure love,
i know that many couple have ended because of this reason
i thought religions were meant to bring people together, not to take them appart
thanks for payin attention to this called for help
and excuse my speelin', my english is not so good


Ask your friend to read the rehit about the conditions to become a baptized Sikh. I have never seen included in the rehit that you have to marry someone who is also a Sikh. Being baptized is a very personal thing. One cannot dictate to another. It can be more meaningful to marry someone of the same "path", not not necessarily. There are many Sikh men who abuse their wives. There's nothing holy about that. My suggestion to you is to find out as much about Sikhism as possible. It is a very aquarian path. It is a path of experinece, not dogma and ritual. But, unfortunately many only live it as a dogma. Check it out for yourself. You may find that it has more to offer you than you realized. May the Guru guide you to your Truth. GTKK

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