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Summary of Question:Re: Is It Unlawful For A Muslim To Marry A Non Muslim?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/27/2002 6:39 AM MST

In reply to the following:

"My muslim girlfriend had told me, that koran states (correct me if I am wrong), "it is unlawful for another muslim to marry a non muslim", is this right, I mean, how do I debate this? Could someone please reply, thank you."

I was asking around and I went to a Islamic exhibition and I was told that Muslim males are allowed to marry Christians and Jews but they are not allowed to marry any-one else UNLESS they become muslim.
For muslim women, women are NOT allowed to marry outside their religion, no matter what. When i enquired why this was, I was told that children tend to follow their fathers side (i.e. fathers religion). But then I said that this is not nessicarily true. The person had no reply.

Thank you for your time.

baljit Singh

[email protected]

Sat SIri Akaal. Thanks for the clarifications. Apparently, in the Muslim faith, religion is passed along according to the faith of the father. If a father is Muslim, it seems that he is required by his religion to raise his children as Muslim. Some faiths pass such things along according to the mother. It varies by faith and by culture.

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