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Summary of Question:Stressed
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/12/2003 7:59 PM MDT


Ok, I am a 17 year old female high school senior. Since I am in my senior year in high school I've finished most of my courses for graduation so I decided to take a college class at the community college...they allow some students to do this under certain circumstances. So, the class is algebra...and for one math is not one of my best subjects...its one of my worst but I had to take the class because it was part of my pre-requistes. Anyways, I had my first test and scored 90% and then the second test I had I scored 50% which is very bad and the whole class is based on 4 tests and a final grade and notthing I have to do well on the next 2 tests and the final to "just" pass the class. My problem is that I understand everything that I'm taught but when it comes time to take the test i blank out. I dont know wat I should do about this. I talked to one of my friends and she suggested that I shouldnt think bout it that much. I dont know...if u have any suggestions for my test anxiety it wud be very helpful to me as I need to pass this class! Thanks...and u have been doing a very good job on this site!


Sat Nam. It's not unusal for students to freeze up with anxiety when faced with a crucial test. Fear of failure simply blocks the mind's ability to function! Fear can be erased by replacing it with Faith. And a practical thing to do is to focus on your breath, just before (and during the test) and remind yourself with each inhalation that it is GOD breathing in you! (and that's a fact!) So, breathing as slowly and deeply as you can, through the nose only, with each inhale think SAT, and with each exhale think NAM, and take at least 10 long deep breaths to calm your mind. The mind follows the breath. You know, when a person is excited, or frightened, they breathe rapidly and unevenly, whereas when you're calm and relaxed, the breath is slower and more even. So, by slowing the breath, you calm the mind. I also suggest that you do this breath meditation every morning first thing, and again at bedtime. (You can do it for more than the 10 breaths, that's just an arbitrary number, so that you do it long enough to have some effect.) You can also mentally chant "And Sang Wahe Guru" whenever you feel anxious -- again reminding yourself that God is in every part of you -- because it is literally true! And of course, do whatever studying is necessary so that you do know the material, and then don't worry! Keep a positive thought that you SHALL succeed, and whenever you catch yourself doubting it, tell yourself over and over that you shall. May God bless you and Guru remind you to have faith! Faith moves mountains, otherwise, even stones are too heavy!


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