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Summary of Question:Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/19/2001 7:03 AM MDT

Please could you tell me what your views are on the future

of sikhism.
Could it be fair to say that sikhism is a way of life and not
just a religion. Some people believe that one is not born a sikh they
choose to live as one - could that be correct?
Or do our past and future karmas decide on which path we follow?

Guru Gobind Singh gave a prophecy that there would be 960 million Sikhs in the future. To me this is truth about the future.

If Sikhism is practiced as a daily technology, then, it is a very powerful way of life, not a religion. It is a small number of Sikh's that are actually observent or even knowledgeable of the daily practices. One can practice the rehit and become empowered and masterful in their life. Having taken the Amrit is not a requirement to this practice.

In conclusion, your assumptions are very correct. The life of a Sikh is a life of constant seeking, balancing, and incorporating "God's Truth" into their life. You are not born with this. You must choose to do this at some point. That is when you awaken to the path of the spirit that is called Sikh.

God bless you, SKKK

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