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Summary of Question:Seems False!!
Date Posted:Tuesday, 1/28/2003 3:29 PM MST

sat sri akal

well i have been doing quite a bit of reading...and its true that sharaab shabaab and kabaab are the three things that prevent man from doing his normal karma!! Also i m fighting myself with a bad habit of "eating " my moustache which is wrong and against me being a true sikh......however my questions are.....
Why did god ever present the feasibility of "masturbating" which u take it so wrong? I mean if its that wrong ...... and against the tenets of god....why did he give us the "facility"?
Also the people of other religion .....are they losing out on somethings not being a sikh...i mena a he losing out on the advantage of not keeping hair?
Also in rahras gobiind singh prays to god to vanquish the that right...i mean asking for someones doom?
Also......there is career of modelling in demand nowadays...a sikh with all the assets but hair on his face..can he be a good model? A sikh when he is born has already lost out on one careeer opportunity ...hasnt he/


Sat Sri Akal,

I will try my best to answer your questions, let me know if I don't succeed!

1)Why did god ever present the feasibility of "masturbating" which u take it so wrong?

Well, what's wrong is kaam. We have been given a body and a life to live. With this body and life we are too lead a life so that our end goal is to merge with Waheguru. To merge with Waheguru, we need rid ourselves of Homae (Ego). To help ourselves in ridding of Homae, we need to control kaam, krodh, moh, lobh and ankhar (lust, anger, attachment, greed and pride). That should be our goal. We're all at different levels in how much we can control each of these emotions. The point is, we shouldn't be consumed in our body and our life so much that we forget the end goal: to merge with Waheguru. Similarly, Waheguru gave us an appetite, but if we abuse it so that we are consumed by eating food, we become fat and we forget Waheguru. We are always thinking of food. So the key is do what works for you. Do what you think is the best to get to the end goal of merging with Waheguru. No one can give you a formula to follow, you have to figure it out on your own.

2)Also the people of other religion .....are they losing out on somethings not being a sikh...i mena a he losing out on the advantage of not keeping hair?

We have been given this life to merge with Waheguru. The way you do that is up to you. Some religions preach a very hard way to get to god while others preach a very simple way. Remember, a religion is just a religion. You have to gain your own understanding on how to rid yourself of your homae. Once we have rid ourselves of homae, we will realize that it doesn't matter what religion one is, all is Waheguru. I personally feel Sikhism gives the best and shortest path to Waheguru.

3)Also in rahras gobiind singh prays to god to vanquish the that right...i mean asking for someones doom?

This is a good question. Whenever the Gurus refer to vanquishing enemies, or getting rid of opponents, etc., they are not refering to people or things. The enemies are Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Ankhar (lust, anger, attachment, greed and pride). So when Guru Gobind Singh Ji asks Waheguru to destroy his enemies, he is asking Waheguru for help to control these five emotions. We must all realize that we have no physical enemies. The only enemies between us and merging with Waheguru are within ourselves, they're the five emotions, and most importantly, Homae. We must rid ourselves of our Ego.

4)Also......there is career of modelling in demand nowadays...a sikh with all the assets but hair on his face..can he be a good model? A sikh when he is born has already lost out on one careeer opportunity ...hasnt he?

This is totally a facet of society. Society changes every 50 years or so. The norms, the attitudes, etc. everything changes. But the Truth, Satnam, is ALWAYS the same. Do we want to be part of a society that is whimsical and based on NO solid foundation? Or do we want to be part of the Truth, and know that what we are doing is the right thing?

Who knows, maybe in the next 50 years modelling will be seen as a VERY undesirable job. But the Truth will still be the same. Which side should we be on?

I hope this helps.

Gur Fateh,

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