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Summary of Question: | Guru's Choice |
Category: | Love & Marriage |
Date Posted: | Wednesday, 3/14/2001 9:23 AM MDT |
Khalsa Ji,u'r forum is of immense help to me...since the past 2 weeks by Guru's grace i've been doing all the 7 Banis(Japuji Sahib,Shabad Hazaare,Jaap Sahib,Tva Prasad Swayaiye,Anand Sahib,Rehras Sahib,Kirtan Sohila)regularly at Amrit Vela...even though i am a Brahmin by birth,i feel more Sikh now than ever before...and i pray that by Guru Sahib's Grace i continue Nitnem always...(1)i hope its ok to do all the 7 Banis at a time all at once...(2)please tell me where can i find a translation of Jaap Sahib...
and now,coming to my main question,and one that i posted earlier too(GOD alone knows why sometimes i have to post a question twice :)) (3)i know this Punjabi girl whom i really really really really really like (funny huh?:))...and the best part that i have started to believe that Guru Sahib has sent her here for before i make u laugh anymore with all this,let me explain...i was introduced to her sometime in October...but the very 1st time i went to see her at her place was on November 11th on Guru Nanak's Prakash Utsav day,that too with parshaad from the the sad thing is that she isn't very fond of Sikhism,though her dad is hair cut Sikh and mom is Punjabi Hindu,but then again i strongly feel from the way she talks that there is after all some Sikh element in her soul and mind and one of her friends emailed me from her email account that she already has a boyfriend and stuff like that,and that we should stop speaking and seeing each other,to which i agree...2 wee
ks later she calls me up late at night and says she wants to talk about something,and tells me that it was her friend and not her who wrote the another thing which u might find humorous...she called me at 1:45 AM,and my telephone number was to change at 7 AM the next morning...what i am wondering is,if she had waited for the morning,it would have been the end of it...probably Guru Sahib wanted us to meet again and so it happened the way it did...once u've finished laughing,please proceed...her dad's side of the family is from Lahore,where Guru Nanak was born,and has lived her entire life till 1997 in Bihar where Guru Gobind Singh was born,which makes me think that Guru sent someone having a connection to His native lands on both sides of the border...i've been praying to GuruJi earnestly to bring her on the path of Sikhi...and a few days later she tells me that this summer she will be going to Punjab for the first time in her of my Amritdhari friends tells me not to pressure her to adop
t Sikh values as that equates me with the fanatic Mughals whom Guru Ji fought...and i think he is right in saying so...anyways...and i remember that a day before Guru Nanak's birthday,i cried out to Guru Ji with tears in my eyes and begged for a gift from Him on His auspicious birthday,and the next day i got to know her what my point here is that there have been so many instances that indicate one thing >> "She Is The One"...and i'm scared to imagine this to be right now i'm trying to leave all in Guru's hands as He knows whats best for me...there have been times that i have felt that she too likes me,but there again i have doubts,as she clearly told me that she stops talking to anyone who proposes to go out with her or confesses to be in love with her...thats another problem!...having said all this,i just want u'r honest opinion Khalsa Ji...probably this is the first case where u are seeing someone get involved with a girl whom he believes to be sent for him by the Guru...i hope i di
dn't bore u with this message...please answer all 3 questions...including the 2 in the beginning of this letter...i will be very grateful to u...
thanx :)
R.S.V.P : anyone else who is patient enough to read this message please feel free to express u'r opinion and me at [email protected]
Greetings and blessings to you in the Name of God and Guru.
1) Yes, it is OK to do all your Bani's at one time. It is called "Sada Sampuran Path". It was done by Sikhs in battle, when they could not be sure if they would live to the completion of the day and so they completed their Path at the beginning. Life today is a mental Battle Field.
2) You can find the translation of Jaap Sahib in the book called "Sacred Nitnem" by Singh Brothers, Mai Sewan, Amritsar.....or Sundar Gutka By Singh Sahib Sant Singh from Ancient Healing Ways: There is also a beautiful book called "Psyche of the Soul" that has a beautiful format with all the bani's translated and explained in English...from [email protected]
I think there are Gurdwara shops that have "Sacred Nitnem".
3)God sends us all situations. Guru tells us how to keep our focus on the unchanging truth in our life. You can get your experience of expanded love and awareness by focusing your love and attention on God and Guru. You excessive thoughts of this girl can be redirected to thoughts and singing of Gurbani. You are carrying on a mental flitation with this girl. God is giving you an opportunity to stop flirting and to be true and to master your mind. This is another opportunity to thank God for this gift...or challenge. Time will tell if this girl is a gift from God or another lesson about what God's gift really is.
Keep up with your meditation. God bless you, SKKK