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Summary of Question:Bad People Served Justice?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/02/2002 5:55 PM MDT

What dose sikhism say about people that hurt other people without feeling any sort of guilt? Do the things they do come back to them?????

Sat Siri Akaal. In the first 3 pauris of Japji, "hukum" is discussed with the reference that all are subject to God's hukum, or universal law. Gurbani is very clear that as one sows, so does one reap. It is in Japji Sahib 20th pauri. Guilt or not is about one's conscience and values. But one's actions are always recorded, and the one who continues living with the 5 enemies and chasing mammon goes the rounds and births and deaths and lives the pain of their karma. HOW their bad deeds come back to them is not necessarily exactly what they did. The Lord sorts that out and it is not up to any of us to know or judge what they deserve in the religious sense. (I am not talking about local laws or law enforcement or the human justice system here.)

The Bible says: "All vengeance is mine, says the Lord." This is so true. We don't need to be vengeful or wish bad things on others because of bad things they did. Even when human "punishment" is unavailable, God's law still holds. Whatever anyone does, they will experience it back at them in some form because this is God's law. Karma is nothing but the physical law manifested through action: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is why doing good deeds comes back to one as good experiences, and the opposite is also true. Bad deeds comes back to one as bad experiences.
Guru ang sang,

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