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Summary of Question:Confused And Guilty
Date Posted:Friday, 12/27/2002 2:53 PM MST

WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh

Before anything else, i must say that you guys are doing an awesome job. Thanks for helping to preserve Sikh culture and tradition in today's world :)

My question is simple. Last night i was watching a horror movie at a friend's place. We were having lemonade. Suddenly i read that it contained 4% alcohol. Please note that neither me nor by friend drink alcohol. He said that its ok as certain cough medicines have more alcohol than this drink, and the amount was so low that one didn't even require an ID to buy it from a shop. So i had a few more sips, but hesitantly and uncomfortably. He saw me and said that it was ok if i didn't want to have it, so i left it. The reason i was having it is coz we were eating rice and so i needed something to drink as i ate. But i m feeling guilty coz i continued to have it inspite of knowing that it had alcohol. I continued thinking that nothing would happen, and obviously nothing did. I know i shouldn't feel guilty, as my intention was right, and it wasn't to get drunk and/or lose my senses and make a fool of myself. But for some reason i feel guilty. After watching the horror movie i was a little hesitant to go home as i stay alone. But i saw a sticker in Punjabi on the wall which said "Jis ke ser ooper tu swami so dukh kaisa paawe", meaning "on whose head You are there, why should he/she have any sorrow". So i took it as an indication from Guruji that He is with me and that i shouldn't fear going home and being alone. I also believed He forgave my drinking, as i m NOT a drinker. I don't drink even on social occassions, i have never tasted alcohol all my life.

Just felt like getting your opinion coz i m feeling bad. I have been doing Japji everyday without fail for the last almost 8 months by Guruji's eternal and sweet grace. Oh, that reminds me of my other question that i have been wanting to ask for a long time. You see, i hardly am able to get up amritvela, so i do Japji sometimes in the afternoon like 2pm or 3pm and sometimes at night say 9pm or 10pm. Is it fine to do this as long am i make sure i m doing it everyday?

awaiting your response

WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh

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Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

Khalsa Ji, your evaluation of this situation is exactly right. It is issue of intent. Do not bother with guilt. Guilt is against our religion. It makes no sense. Ang sang Wahe Guru! You are fine.

As for getting up in the morning. It is largely a matter of retraining your body and brain to a new cycle of sleeping and waking. We need to develop the habit to go to bed earlier and rise earlier. It is a conscious act to create such a habit. So, why do our morning Nitnem in the Amrit Vela rather than later in the day? Well, certainly it's okay to do it at any time during the day, but Guru Ji gave us specific instructions for a very good reason:

Meditate deeply in the ambrosial hours on the Nam, deep and vast.
Your karmas will all be covered and the door of freedom will open.
O Nanak! Know this: A person of Truth Contains the whole universe.

It is simply that in the ambrosial hours before the sun rises the ethers are very clear and the hustle and bustle and strong vibrations of the day have not yet cluttered up the energy. You can easily expand yourself and meditate more deeply. Japji balances your earth energy with the etheric energy. It elevates you and gives you depth and dimension. So, try not to read by rote, but to read with understanding. As you train yourself to rise earlier, you will experience the difference for yourself.

Many blessings to you in Guru's love and protection.


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