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Summary of Question:Confusion,Fear
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/11/2002 2:17 AM MST

sat sri akal

respected khalsa ji.I am from a midle class indian gursikh family.Due, to some reasons i failed in my 12th grade,although i have cleared it i am finding it very difficult to get addmission into a course of my choice anywhere in INDIA with a failure in a subject.After a lot of thinking i decided to apply for US universities and i got accepted into the bachealor's of science in Aerospace Engg program in Embry Riddle Aeronautical university at daytona beach,florida.I had initially applied for an international student loan and i had a co-signer who was a US citizen,but now at peak moment the person has refused to sign the aggreement papers .As,he had taken to many loans in the US itself and had to submit lots of documents.My problem is that my VISA for US has been rejected due to poor financial histry.
It would be very kind of anyone from the sangat who could help me with my financial need.dear Khalsa ji if you cannot help me with my financial need please do tell me what should i do spiritually or any yoga exercise to give myself peace and calmness.I am very frightened and nervous regarding my future another thing that is bothering me is that my father is a heart patient and my mother is also very tensed.please do email me ,i need some help either spiritually or financially or emotionally.I am very very tensed.
It would be also be very kind of you if yo could let me know of any Sikh Organizations that can help me with this regard.Any suggestons or advice will be highly appreciated and awaited.Please ,please do email me no matter what the answer is.

thanking you
padda gagandeep singh.
Dear one,

To address your fear, here is a good 40 day practice for you. Recite the shabd "Atai otai rakhvalla, Prabh SatGur deen dayalaa....." You can find it in the Sikhnet "Shabd Sheet" section. You will also be able to find some singing versions of it under "Aap Saha-ee ho-ah sache daa sacha dho-ah..." in the Gurbani jukebox etc.

Also, practice the one minute breath for 11 minutes daily, also for at least 40 days. Sit in crosslegged posture with your back straight. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply though your NOSE (only) for 10 seconds. Then hold the breath in for 10 seconds. Then exhale through your nose for 10 seconds. This breathing will give you great clarity and nonreactiveness. BE SURE TO START SLOWLY WITH A MENTAL "WAHE GURU" FOR 5 SECONDS INHALE, 5 seconds hold, 5 seconds exhale. In other words, work your way up to the 20-20-20 breath each sitting. Maybe by the time you have completed 11 minutes you will have reached the 20-20-20. After, relax on your back deeply for some 11 minutes. Thank God for covering you and ask God guide you.

This shabd is for overcoming the enemy, both inside and outside. Your enemy is fear and anxiety. You are calling on God to assist you. With this recitation you will be developing the internal appearance of your inner soul and intuition. Instead of feeling helpless and a victim, you can start feeling the strength of the God within you. Go deeply and absorb yourself into this Shabd. Change the way you see your life. The breath meditation will give you calmness of mind and open up your intuition to God's unlimited power for expansion and possibilities never imagined.

There are many opportunities and paths in life. What about checking with this university for student scholarship or ask this individual for a referrel to another sponsor. My point is there are other possibilities. Start with your developing your connection with the UNLIMITED CREATOR and let the rest unfold.

God bless you and keep up.

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