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Summary of Question:What Does Gurbani Say About Drugs?
Date Posted:Monday, 5/13/2002 2:50 PM MDT

What Does gurbani say about doing drugs?

I wish more adults would pay attention to their kids because there are so many that are doing drugs and the pearents do not know.
A lot of my friends ask me this question but I dont have an answer
In the answer please include the exact lines of gurbani with the meanings
I am 16 and a lot of my friends are starting to do drugs



Sat Siri Akal.

Well-let's take a step back from a moment. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib is a guide towards something, not away from something. What's interesting about the Guru is that He really doesn't tell you what NOT to do. He tells you what TO do, and then He makes a lot of observations about life. It's a very devotional, spiritual truth. Guru doesn't say: "Don't do drugs." Guru says, "Become intoxicated with the Name of God and you will find peace within yourself." And then He says, "Those who get trapped in Maya loose their life in vain." So, it's an invitation into a better world.

Now-your friends want to do drugs. You know that doing drugs is not going to be good for them. THEY even know that doing drugs is not going to be good for them. But they want to try it anyway, and they don't want anyone to tell them "no." Guruji is not there to tell them no. Guruji is there to love them and remind them they have a soul, to remind them that there is something so much better than drugs. The Guru inspires us which is very different than denying us.

If you want to help your friends, then inspire them to do something better with their time than drugs. Meditate on the Guru's words so you can catch the Spirit of it, and then give them alternatives to drugs. Drugs waste time and they waste a person's mind. What do you and your friends care about? How can you make a difference in the world? Sometimes, it's not enough to say, "Don't do it." Offer someone an option of something better, give your friends a chance to elevate themselves. If the option's there, and they choose the drugs anyway, then it's Guru's will. But some of your friends will join you. That's the best way you can help.

Here are some words from the Guru that may guide you with this. Believe me, I know how challenging this issue is. People turn to drugs when they have a lot of creative energy, but have no faith in themselves that they can do something to make a difference in the world. Believe in yourself and believe in your friends-get out there and serve in whatever way inspires you and the people around you. You can make a difference in the world. It's what you were born to do.

aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

Man maigal saakat dayvaanaa.
The mind of the faithless cynic is like a crazy elephant.

Ban khand maa-i-aa mohi hairaanaa.
It wanders around the forest, distracted by attachment to Maya.

It ut jaahi kaal kay chaapay.
It goes here and there, hounded by death.

Gurmukh khoj lahai ghar aapay. ||1||
The Gurmukh seeks, and finds his own home. ||1||

Bin gur sabdai man nahee tha-uraa.
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mind finds no place of rest.

Simrahu raam naam at nirmal avar ti-aagahu ha-umai ka-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember in meditation the Lord's Name, the most pure and sublime; renounce your bitter egotism. ||1||Pause||

Ih man mugaDh kahhu ki-o rahsee.
Tell me, how can this stupid mind be rescued?

Bin samjhay jam kaa dukh sahsee.
Without understanding, it shall suffer the pains of death.

Aapay bakhsay satgur maylai.
The Lord Himself forgives us, and unites us with the True Guru.

Kaal kantak maaray sach paylai. ||2||
The True Lord conquers and overcomes the tortures of death. ||2||

Ih man karmaa ih man Dharmaa.
This mind commits its deeds of karma, and this mind follows the Dharma.

Ih man panch tat tay janmaa.
This mind is born of the five elements.

Saakat lobhee ih man moorhaa.
This foolish mind is perverted and greedy.

Gurmukh naam japai man roorhaa. ||3||
Chanting the Naam, the mind of the Gurmukh becomes beautiful. ||3||

Gurmukh man asthaanay so-ee.
The mind of the Gurmukh finds the Lord's home.

Gurmukh taribhavan sojhee ho-ee.
The Gurmukh comes to know the three worlds.

Ih man jogee bhogee tap taapai.
This mind is a Yogi, an enjoyer, a practicer of austerities.

Gurmukh cheenHai har parabh aapai. ||4||
The Gurmukh understands the Lord God Himself. ||4||

Man bairaagee ha-umai ti-aagee.
This mind is a detached renunciate, forsaking egotism.

Ghat ghat mansaa dubiDhaa laagee.
Desire and duality afflict each and every heart.

Raam rasaa-in gurmukh chaakhai.
The Gurmukh drinks in the Lord's sublime essence;

Dar ghar mahlee har pat raakhai. ||5||
at His Door, in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, He preserves his honor. ||5||

Ih man raajaa soor sangraam.
This mind is the king, the hero of cosmic battles.

Ih man nirbha-o gurmukh naam.
The mind of the Gurmukh becomes fearless through the Naam.

Maaray panch apunai vas kee-ay.
Overpowering and subduing the five passions,

Ha-umai garaas ikat thaa-ay kee-ay. ||6||
holding ego in its grip, it confines them to one place. ||6||

Gurmukh raag su-aad an ti-aagay.
The Gurmukh renounces other songs and tastes.

Gurmukh ih man bhagtee jaagay.
The mind of the Gurmukh is awakened to devotion.

Anhad sun maani-aa sabad veechaaree.
Hearing the unstruck music of the sound current, this mind contemplates the Shabad, and accepts it.

Aatam cheeneh bha-ay nirankaaree. ||7||
Understanding itself, this soul becomes attuned to the Formless Lord. ||7||

Ih man nirmal dar ghar so-ee.
This mind becomes immaculately pure, in the Court and the Home of the Lord.

Gurmukh bhagat bhaa-o Dhun ho-ee.
The Gurmukh shows his love through loving devotional worship.

Ahinis har jas gur parsaad.
Night and day, by Guru's Grace, sing the Lord's Praises.

Ghat ghat so parabh aad jugaad. ||8||
God dwells in each and every heart, since the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages. ||8||

Raam rasaa-in ih man maataa.
This mind is intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord;

Sarab rasaa-in gurmukh jaataa.
The Gurmukh realizes the essence of totality.

Bhagat hayt gur charan nivaasaa.
For the sake of devotional worship, he dwells at the Guru's Feet.

Naanak har jan kay daasan daasaa. ||9||8||
Nanak is the humble servant of the slave of the Lord's slaves. ||9||8||

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.


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