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Summary of Question:Sakhi Of Malik Bhago And Bhai Lalo
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/06/2001 6:21 AM MDT

v all have heard the sakhi of malik bhago and and bhai lalo. it is

said tht during guru nanak dev jis travel he came to stay in a village
where he prefered to stay with poor carpenter rather than the rich man.
on insistance of malik bhago to have his food guru ji asked him to bring
the food made frm his kitchen and ordered bhai lalo also to get some
bread frm his kitchen, when both the plates were laid before the guru
he took the bread in 1 hand and on the other hand the took the royal food
and squesed them. it is then said tht milk flowed frm the bread of
bhai lalo, signifing the honesty where as blood flowed frm the food of
malik bhago.
i agree or gurus had the power, but they were not allowed to use them,
in the case of or eighth guru lost his life for the used his power.
was not guru nanak using powers at tht time. or these sakhis r fake
i will also like to know how and when were the sakhis made,when no body witnessed it in personel
it will be very kind of u to clear these doubts at its earliest.
here i have a comment--- is n

Greetings in the Name of God, the Light of every soul, and in the Name of Guru, the Light of every Sikh. Thank you for writing and sharing your comments and questions. The Gurus have indeed taught us to not use the powers of the 9 treasures and 18 occult powers bestowed on the human when reciting the Name of God. Using these powers for purposes of self-glorification, lust, anger, greed, or other purposes of self indulgence will bring destruction and disgrace to the human soul. There were many instances, however, the Gurus and other saints and prophets from various religious disciplines served as vehicles for the miraculous powers of God for purposes of teaching and healing, and the elevation of the human spirit - such as the case of the raising of Lazarus by the Nazarene, and blood dripping from the food of the rich man squeezed by Guru Nanak. The more we grow in our understanding of science and technology, the more we realize these phenomena may have basis in scientific spheres we have yet to explore and mas
ter. Ultimately all matters of the heart and faith are not separate from matters of the mind and intellect - but we have yet to master all of the realms of science and technology to understand how these phenomena occur. We have learned amazing technology that expands our abilities and accelerates our evolution, such as the practice of Yoga and Meditation, listening to the Gong sound current, rising in the amrit vela and meditating on Gurbani Kirtan, and sitting before the Holy Siri Guru Granth Sahib. We have learned that it is required that we utter a prayer before practicing these technologies, and use mantra to keep ourselves divinely attuned, so that we do not subject ourselves to the possibility to misusing the powers that result from these practices. The highest technology available to us, the technology of the Shabd Guru and reciting from the Holy Siri Guru Granth Sahib, has built in protection to keep us attuned to Guru's will. Did Baba Deep Singh truly carry his head while continuing to fight? I canno
t give you an eyewitness account, but I would find it more incredible to believe that all of those eyewitnesses fighting with him would make up such a story, than believing it to be true. Miraculous phenomena has always abounded around those rare souls who practice purity and dwell in truth. But in the final analysis it is as you say - it really does not matter. The great courage, strength, piety and purity of spirit we find in their actions, and the inspiration it gives us to emulate them in our own lives, is their true value. Thank you again for writing. May God and Guru bless and guide you on your spiritual path. Humbly yours, Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa

Sat Nam. As is the case in any religious or mythical history, you can always find discrepencies. The story about Baba Deep Singh is one example. Did he really finish fighting carrying his head? When we approach our beliefs from the intellect, we allow these questions to erode our faith. The Sikh lifestyle is one of experience. Give your self an experience by reading the banis with devotion and sincerity, do a meditation to connect with your soul. One simple one would be to simply chant Wahe Guru for 11 minutes a day for 40 days. The Guru lives within us. The history is there to inspire us and give us an example of courage, faith, determination, values- things we do not easily see these days. We think that by approaching our Sikh history with the intellect we are so "smart." Actually, we are pretty dumb, because it will never totally make sense with the logical mind, which will cause us to undermine that which can nourish our souls. On the other hand, it will make total sense when we approach it from
the heart, allowing the aliveness of our compassionate Guru to feed and heal us.

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