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Summary of Question:Im Hurt By Constant Failures... Is That What Im Made For??
Date Posted:Monday, 9/16/2002 2:46 AM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa

waheguru ji ke fateh
i must really appreciate your work which has benefitted many amongst us. despite going through many quest , icouldnt get an answer.
im a student pursuing my degree course and i dont know why am i not able to put in my efforts there has been an total downward decline in my academic graph as im just not able to do it .. i have been doing very well in my school life and amongst the toppers but now life just seems to be worthless for me im just not able to cope up with my work my education pressure keeps mounting up an engg. course is a real tough main problem is that despite knowing the fact that i have to study , im just not able do it the drive in me is just gone.. i am ready to pit in everything but why such sufferings.. i had lost a dear one three years back and all of us were very moved and disturbed. but i do understand that life has to continue..and i have to study ,,the drive in me is just lost.. i am just drowning deep inside .please help me so that im out of this misery as it has been really harassing me.. plz give me a solution so that im out of this darkness and make baba jee my centre focus who would help me get my acts right and my concentration and shoot up my inner strength..
A gursikh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I am sorry to hear of your loss of a loved one, and to learn of your suffering now. If you are indeed, a Gursikh, then turn to the Guru for help, guidance, and consolation. Start each day by reading your morning banis, and meditating and chanting God's Name, and pray for help. Perhaps your physical health is not right, and is affecting your attitude, so check check-up from a doctor. Depression and discouragment can sometimes be the result of some glandular misfunction. Are you getting any exercise? there are so many possible causes for your situation, so you need to explore all kinds of solutions. But the main thing is that you have Shabd Guru, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as your resource and support, use it! Guru is to be EXPERIENCED by reciting Guru's words, and singing Gurbani Kirtan. May God and Guru guide you and inspire you to the excellence that is your destiny. Keep up, and you will be kept up! Blessings, SP

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