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Sikhnet Youth Forum Sikh Youth - Question and Answer Forum

Summary of Question:Sikh Research
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 12/16/2002 7:24 AM MST

I'm doing a project about sikhism and have been asked to get evidence from resources and having been on your site many a time, i thought it may be a good question to ask you for some advice.

My project consist of a booklet and basically i need some good advice for children aged between 12-14 on a brief intro to sikhism and what the 5k's mean, but only a broad outline.
Im looking forward to your reply, i know that this may not be the thing that u may expect on the site, but hopefully you do offer me the held i need, this would help me obtain the grade i need.

Thank you,

Sat Siri AKaal. You're right. This isn't what this site is for. Go to and and search the topics that interest you. Search through THIS Sikhnet site because others have asked about Sikhi and Youth. Also, search this Forum on 5Ks (as '5 Ks' or five Ks or Five K's). Questions abound on this topic and the answers also abound. Have fun!
Guru ang sang,

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