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Summary of Question:This Can't Be True!
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/06/2002 9:48 AM MDT

Sat sri akal...

i am a 16 yr old.
recently my mom'm sister visited me and she told me about this book she has read about life after death.
she says that the couple who has written this book, their 2 sons died in an accident and they called their spirits who told them everything..

she has read the book and told me that she personally knows the couple..
it is written in that book that when we die, heaven or hell or such this is divied into 7 stages and 5 substages each.
when we come on this earth, we can choose our parents and where we want to go.
it is also based on our karma...
but i believe this is false...coz toz this can't happen and if god would have wanted us to know, he would have told it 2 everybody and not to some ppl through some spirits...

that book also tells us about ufo's that there are other planets like earth( which i believe as guru nanak dev ji has said) and that they are not uncontrolled as humans and know what is right... they say that in the burmuda triangle, the ppl missing are abducted by ufo's....and many more places like that
what do you say and what should i tell my aunt and mom...
anyways i will buy the book and read it once....
pls reply quickly as this has sent my mind wandering..
what should i do...


Sat Siri Akal.

You know- Guru Nanaak teaches us in Japji that millions of people have told millions of stories, trying to describe God's Power. But at the end of the day - they are just stories. What you have as a Sikh is a practice in the form of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib that leads you to the experience of Truth. It isn't about faith or believing what someone else tells you. It's about opening your own self so that you can know the truth for yourself and, in that, no one can fool you or trick you. There are lots of books written by lots of people who say lots of fantastic things. But look at it this way - even if it is true that the parents spoke to the spirits of the children, why would they assume that what the children told them was true? Don't kids love making up stories? In other words - just because the experience is out of the ordinary, does that mean you should trust it? Of course not. Ghosts may exists. But ghosts may lie, as well. Being a ghost does not make one truthful, you know?

So read everything, but be careful what you believe. Approach the mystical aspects of life as a scientist. What is real, you should be able to prove to yourself through your own experience. What you cannot experience, don't trust it. And in that way, you will have a very genuine experience of life, and God will be able to guide you in a very real way.

God bless you in your search for truth.

All love,


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