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Summary of Question:Moral Character Sikh Leaders
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/10/2000 12:43 AM MDT

all of us are aware of what is happening at the akal takht.jathedar is the most respected person of sikh community.every sikh must has to obey his orders.but what is happening.jathedar is being changed everyday for just the personal interests of some people. what S.G.P.C is doing? what was S.G.P.C in early times? now it has become just a game of politics. what about the moral character of chief of S.G.P.C. is she living her life according to sikh rahet maryada?

what about image of sikhism that is being built by all this. i just want to know what common people like us can do? now what must be done to overcome this period of crisi? should still S.G.P.C must be representative of sikh community?


Dear One:

Sat Siri Akaal. I wish I could answer your questions, but any answers are subject to personal opinion. You are right, politics of Jathedar and SGPC do not serve image of Sikhi AT ALL. Instead of working on true panthic issues, there is all this scrabbling for position, which only DIVIDES panth Khalsa.

You ask what can we do? First of all, live as a true Gursikh, practice bani, bana, simran and seva. This way no matter what people around us think of SGPC, they will know what a true Gursikh is like, and their image of SGPC will be tempered by our shining examples.

Secondly, go to this site: You can find historical information on SGPC here. Also, there is a feedback function. Perhaps if enough Sikhs write SGPC and tell it how embarrassed 'common' Sikhs like you and me are when we see their antics, perhaps they will start to change and represent ALL Sikhs, and work towards resolving the problems that affect us all. Another thing we can do is work within our local gurdwara community level to unite Sikhs no matter what their politics or position. Then gurdwaras in larger metro areas should work together, forming a grassroots effort. If we wait for SGPC to help us solve panthic problems, it might be a LONG time.

Guru rakha,

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Moral Character Sikh Leaders (05/10/2000)
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