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Summary of Question:Depressed And No Spirit To Live
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/28/2008 9:01 AM MDT

I had been in a relationship for the past 4 years. We studied in the college together. He was after me for a very long time and it took me 3 years to say yes to him as i felt he truly loved me. So we started the relationship. I wanted to study abroad. He was one year behind me so i went abroad earlier. We used to have few fights over things as he was very casual about his studies and settling down but finally things used to settle down. He came abroad after one year,i was happy that finally things would settle down although we had fights regarding settling down for future(he was casual like always). Recently few months back i came back to visit my family but he was in states only. The third day only he started ignoring me, never received my calls, suddenly he wanted to break off. I was totally confused as to nothing had happened. And moreover after two months he married someone else. I really want to forget all this. I pray to God everyday to give me strength. I know it was gods will, but i have lost all the interest in life. I feel hopeless and rejected. My parents knew about all this as they thought we would get married. My mother asks me to rely on waheguru but somehow i keep getting flashbacks of what all happened and keep crying all the day. I am back to my studies ,away from my family. I feel alone and feel i have nothing to do in my life. Please waheguru ji me...give me strength. I want my life back but feel my spirit is dead and cry all the day..

My dear sweet daughter,
You can thank God that this person has been taken away. You loved him, but you deserve better. I know this is not what your heart is saying. I know of your pain and betrayal and disappointment.

Take all this pain and heat ache and put it into your recitation of "Mera Man Loche......" Read and recite it in English and Gurmukhi daily 11 times each. Learn the story of Arjan Mal's longing for his Guru (father, Guru Ram Das). and how he was seperated and betrayed by his brother. (This is Shabd Hazarey. It grants you the gift to never be separated from your loved ones.)

This is you challenge and you will do very well to accept this all as a gift.
This is also your opporunity to expand and rise up. Some man of great caliber will come to you in time. You will be happier and you will thank God for this pain.

God bless you and keep up!


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