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Summary of Question:Meditation/Reality
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/09/2002 9:46 AM MST

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa

Vaheguru ji ke fateh
Im a proud sikh with a couple of questions on my mind. Please answer these questions as quickly as you can.

Reply: Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh. I will do my best to answer your questions.

1. I know that God lives and breathes in us, does this mean that right now God is breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide?

Reply: Yes. The light of God abides in your heart and around that light, your body is formed. When you stop breathing, that light will move into the cylces of reincarnation.

2. If God is breathing in us and we try to control our breath, does this mean that we're controlling God?!?


Reply: When you are controlling your breath, it actually allows you to still your mind so you can experience God. You are controlling your own self.


3. There are a couple of things in the sggs which are included in the hindu holy books:
things like "84 million incarnations" "5 evils"
, does this mean we got ideas from those books or did God tell the Gurus all of this. Or maybe was hinduism a monostheistic religion from the start and got messed up with useless idol worship.


Reply: Guru Nanak had a clear conscious to recognize teachings that acurately reflected the Truth of the Divine. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib has the writings of the some of our Gurus, as well as songs by Hindu saints and Muslim mystics. The message Guru Nanak wants us to understand is that Divine Truth is not subject to any cultural or religious expression - but can come through any channel. So wherever Guru Nanak heard Truth, he captured those songs and that became the basis of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. There is truth in all religions - it's just a question of developing our awareness so we can hear it/recognize it.


4. Im always getting doubts about God when im reading japji sahib or doing anything else holy, PLLEASE HELP me overcome my doubt :(


Reply: Doubts are a natural part of the process. Don't worry about them. Just keep meditating and ask God to help you. Doubts are places where you need to have an experience. God doesn't need to be a belief. He is a living reality within you that you can experience. So don't worry about your doubts, just keep going to the Guru and ask for Him to give you the experiences you need so your doubts can be resolved.


5. You didn't like the idea of nihangs but i do, what is so wrong with nihangs.
Those who take drugs are a minority, also when the stupid indian government tries to kill sikhs again who is going to fight, I think nihangs are the only ones who are gangsta/warrior enough. The nihangs should be our symbol of fighting spirit and when im 18 Im going to Amritsar to become one.
The list is quite big so i'd be so happy if i got it all answered thanks.


Reply: There is nothing wrong with anybody. If you want to learn to fight, go fight. Just keep yourself clear and clean so that you can serve the call of your Guru from your highest consciousness.

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ke fateh


All love,


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