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Summary of Question:Is It Too Late To Change?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/10/2001 6:27 PM MST

I am in my early 20's and am planning to marry soon. When I was in my late teens, however, I began to date and expressed my love physically. I truly regret everything I've done because I wish I had kept my purity for my husband. However, I am also presently physically involved with my fiancee because I love him and plan to marry him. Yet there are times when I feel that I should just stop and wait until we get married.

I don't want to go to Hell for being sinful when this is the only way in which I have sinned. If I change now, will God forgive me? How do I seek his forgiveness?
Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every Sikh.

Dear one, you are the grace of God, now and forever. Whatever is done is past. Let it go and be grateful for a life lesson. The forgiveness comes when you decide not to repeat having a sexual relationship without the committment of marriage. This choice will give you the consciousness you need to honor your grace as a woman. This grace of God consciousness is your legacy. From this moment onward, do not compromise yourself for a relationship. Be priceless and give yourself only to your husband....the committment of marriage before God, Guru, and Sadh Sangat will be the blessing and forgiveness that you crave.

For the next 40 days, recite "I am grace of God" 10x on the breath held in and 10x on the breath held out. Do this before you rise in the morning and do this at night before you go to sleep.

Apply yourself to your grace and you will win! Keep up!

Forgive yourself and turn a new page in your life. Each day we rise and have a new chance to live in grace and truth. Take this opportunity today. Offer a prayer to God and Guru to guide you each and every day

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