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Summary of Question:Japji Sahib
Date Posted:Friday, 10/11/2002 1:01 PM MDT


i have 2 questions ...
why is there so much emphasis based on the japji what is so important about that paat.. ihave had that paat memorized since i was 12 and never understood why that was so important

also if god is in everyone, everybeing etc., and that god controls everything like how we cannot breath without his hukum .. does that mean that he controls what we think? what we do, what we say....???

get back to me on had been bugging me for a while
also i want to thank all those that answer questions that are posted on this site...great work all of you, u have helped so many people in so many ways...
thanks again



Sat Siri Akal.

What's so great about Japji Sahib? Well, simply put, Guru Naanak gave us a simple formula to liberation in the Paurees of Japji. You have it memorized and that is great. But have you sat down and really meditated on what the words are saying? Have you tried to see the world, reality, yourself through the Guru's eyes? If you take the time to wrestle with Japji, to open it up and get to the meaning of what Guru Naanak is saying, and then if you develop the discipline to live by that wisdom - you will be the greatest human being, have the most perfect life - because all of the wsidom of the universe is contained in those 40 steps.

As for the question -does God control what we think, what we do, what we's the problem. God and you, you and God are One. That's what the Guru is saying. What you are and what God is - it's not separate from each other. But this isn't an intellectual problem, it's an experiential one because you experience yourself as separate from that One, and the experience of separateness is ego. So - God cannot control what you think, say or do. Neither is God separate from what you think, say or do. God is a Divinely Inspired Creative System that operates by Its own laws and we are subject to those laws. Those laws are designed so that, through the play of time and space, we awaken to our True Identity. So - what you do, God does that. And the effect of what you do, God does that, too. And if you can start to experience this Truth, wow - will life really change for you.

Let me give you an example. If you lie, God is lying. But in the illusion of ego, we think we can get away with lying, that there aren't any consequences. However, in the reality of God's Creative System (also known as hukam) it isn't possible for God to get away with lying. So - you get caught, you get in trouble, someone looses trust in you or - worse - you loose trust in yourself. And if you're lucky, the experience will teach you never to lie again - and that's the way God works. So - your ego may think that you are doing something, but ultimately - the God in you is the Doer and the God around you is in charge of the consequences.

So - of you really want to understand what the heck I'm talking about it, meditate on Japji and keep[ up until every single line of it makes perfect sense to you.

All love.


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