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Summary of Question:What Is The Way Forward For Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 2/17/2000 12:35 PM MST

Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa wahe Guru ji ke Fateh!

Hello my sikh brother/Sister, i am a male and studying at University, i have a few problems reguarding Sikhi, I some times pray but do not understand the text, but always feel good after praying. I would love to know what everythin means, Although i can speak Punjabi i feel that the Gurbani is very difficult to understand. Also I dont know why but sometimes when i pray i have sexual images or other negative images in my mind what why and how does this happen. I spoke to other Sikh about it but they do not seem to know why. I heard that Kul is disturbing me in my prayers. I even weep without knowing why. Please could you help me understand. And lots of love and many respects to you for your wonderful Seva, i really admire and appreciate your web site. I enjoy it fully.

Sat Siri Akaal Ji:

Everything you describe is part of practicing any faith with sincerity! Do not judge yourself so hard. I can tell by your post that you are sincere in your faith, whether or not you understand Gurbani fully. Gurbani is mystical poetry, it is hard for many people to understand, whether in Gurmukhi or translation. That said, you might find it helpful to read English translations of Gurbani, which can be found on Sikhnet site or by searching

But Gurbani is also Shabd, and Guru gave us Siri Guru Granth because it has the perfect Sound Current (naad) for elevating the psyche and soul. Just as you said you "feel good after praying," many of us are elevated by hearing Gurbani sung or recited without fully understanding the literal meanings! Guru gave us this sound current intentionally, make no mistake about it. This is why playing recordings of Gurbani can be so elevating, even though you may be doing something mundane while you listen!

As for the mental images your mind conjures when you pray or meditate, this is not unusual, actually. The subconcious mind throws forth 1,000 thoughts inthe wink of an eye. What is important is what thoughts do we HANG ONTO? So long as you maintain your prayer and mantra, the subconcious mind will clear (this is an continual, ongoing process). When these images come forth, do your best not to dwell on them or spend time wondering WHY they come forth. Just keep praying and practicing. The weeping indicates some kind of emotional release akin to the subconcious release I just described. Do not be troubled. Allow it to be released in Guru's name (by continuing your prayer and recitation) and you will be healed. Know that Guru is taking care of you, Veerji.

Guru rakha,

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