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Summary of Question:Will One Mum's Dream Came True
Date Posted:Friday, 7/05/2002 12:52 AM MDT


One of my friend her mum & dad is Sikh but her mum wants her son to stop eating meat and drinking alcohol. Also one of her son was Sikh but he starts eating meat when he came to New Zealand. My friend?s mum want to know will she ever stop them doing this and be Sikh again will she ever be happy because she always had pain and sadness in her life. They won?t listen to her. Will her dream came true.

Thank you for your answer??

(REPLY) No one can predict what another person is going to do. We all want our children to live beautiful, happy, lives, and to do what we believe to be right, but we cannot force anyone to do anything, and we cannot and must not base our happiness on what other people (even our children) do with their lives. All we can do is set an example, and pray. Each person is responsible for his or her own happiness; it does not matter what the outer circumstances are. The ultimate happiness is when we can experience our connecion with God and Guru, and that comes from within. We each have been born with karma to pay, and most people have had pain and sorrow in their lives, the important thing is to not live in the past, but to try to live each day the best way we can, following the teachings and the examples of our Gurus -- being kind and helpful to other people, and seeing the God in all. Siri Guru Granth Sahib reminds us over and over that our families and friends that we have in this life are temporary, and that ultimately we will all return Home to God. Blessings, SP

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