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Summary of Question:Life
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 6/15/2001 12:22 PM MDT

Well anyway i sent a question but i don't think you guys received it.

Hello and I have lots of questions to ask.

You know should sikhs be vegeterians should sikhs be brave should sikhs be without ego should sikhs be this or that it is all nonsense!!!

What is the use if one is not pure within
what is the use if one goes on bragging
what is the use if one is fille with corruptions moreover you know any of you guys whoever you are you know you guys did learn literature did you? so i feel that the actual teachings is incognito it is what you guys say that counts but who are you guys to say you give your own intepretation, why, are you pure so much so that you give your answers with you full conscience is it what you guys belief anf preach and not to add follow stictly.

I don't know i am confused and angry I am angry because i have not seen a sikh a true sikh you know sikhs when we go to the temple we pray there are some who look at girls and hey guruji allowes the girls to pray alongside with men because he said that a sikh is well whatever he meant that we are pure but are we is there such a man who is so pure as the guru i asuume that he is for i have never seen nor heard him i only read about him from authours whom i guess read it from another sourcs so it is a lagacy isn't it but hey i remember that there was an incident when the brahmins cut off their hair and they lost their morale theirselves they can't even protect themselves and you know i think this is going to happen to us our community our religion and the guru he will only be a bed-time story.
Sikhs decipline but hey are we? I don't know i don't know sikhs who are around the world i don't know each and everyone of them so i have no right to give my opinion on sikhs but guruji is he really with us in our hearts in my heart where was he during the holocaust in punjab whwn a daughter was raped by her father when a sikh was sent to prison and he was tormented hmmmm was he not there should they suffer if this is sikhism then what is good about it is is all about sufferings we go around with sings and kaurs but do we follow it our names do we live by it do we?

Hmmmm I see sikhs sikhs who are drunkards sikhs who only brag but sikhs who are of no use not all of them .you think that the priests
all of them you think they are there to pray they are here not to pray but to live and to work it is their profession to pray that get paid for it i am not saying that they should not be paid but i am saying are they really priest or are they priest and it is all a sham.

I don't know mind my language but i am a fucker and i am not at anyreason angry with anyone in anyway because this is what i feel inside believe me in reality i am a timid guy and i hope that whoever read this or who is going to answer my question that he or she not be disappointed because i still the the guru and i said such things for it is what i feel believe me i don't mean to hurt anyone and please smile a bit better now



A lot of people call themselves Sikh but do things opposite of Gurus teachings. They are not pure. To call yourself a Sikh but not to practice any Sikh followings does not make you a Sikh.

Just because I answer questions here does not make me pure than anyone who asks questions. Many times the questions asked can be answered by experience alone. We do not claim to be the purest Sikhs nor do we claim to have all the answers. What we do have that many of the youths do not is experience and knowledge -- I have been through many of the problems that are asked here, and I now realize what I should have done in such a situation. If you have a problem, only you yourself can solve it, others can only point you in the right direction. That is what this forum is about.

I understand your anger in seeing people say they are Sikhs and then not following the Gurus teachings. But, instead of worrying about other people, worry about yourself. Do you act in a pure manner? Can you keep your mind on Gurbani while in the Gurdwara? Improve yourself and soon you will realize that it does not matter how other people act, you yourself will be pure. There are thousands of problems in the world, they only way to solve them is first improve yourself. Immerse yourself in the Sangat that is good, the Sangat that isn't hypocritical, the Sangat that believes and practices Sikhism. You will then realize that there is a lot of beauty in the world and in Sikhism and that there are indeed myriads of true Sikhs in the world, even though at first glance it may not seem like it.

Gur Fateh,

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