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Summary of Question:Mood Swings
Date Posted:Wednesday, 4/11/2001 11:38 PM MDT

Fateh Ji..

Lately I've been having very strange mood swings, one minute I'm overjoyed with happiness, the next minute I'm depressed and feeling very low.. I don't know why this happens, but I think part of the reason is that I take other people's opinions to heart, and I don't have any self confidence in myself..
There was a death in my family about two months ago, but I don't really think this is the reason, even though I still think about it sometimes.. I've talked it over and I understand the purpose of life more now, I have learnt alot..
But I don't know what could be to blame for my mood swings, and I don't know why I get so sad and lonely at times.. I have good friends and family, but I still feel lonely and sad..
My mood swings are constant, usually I begin the week very happy, then by Friday I'm thanking God it's over, because I feel I can't go through with it anymore..
It's not that anything THAT bad is happening in my life, I just tend to be pesimistic sometimes, and I care too much about what other people think..
Is there any way that bani or kirtan could help me, I'm very confused and I don't think I need to go to a counsellor, I just need a little push and I'll hopefully be on my way

Thank you if you can help me with anything, God bless.
There is a very powerful recitation that can clear your past presant and future. This recitation is done while doing perkarma's around the park or Gurdwara or wherever you can walk and swing your arms. Do this for 31 minutes daily: Recite outloud.....!

Aad gureh nameh, jugaad gureh nameh, sat gureh naameh, Siri Guru Dev e nameh.
Aad sach, jugaad sach, hai bhee sach, Nanak hosee bhee sach.
Aad sach, jugaad sach, hai BHAI sach, Nanak hosee BHAI sach.

See how this clears your emotions and brings clarity to your life.

God bless you.

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Mood Swings (04/11/2001)
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