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Summary of Question:Chances Of A Lasting Relationship
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/29/2003 11:07 PM MDT

i am gujarati and my boyfriend is sikh with fairly strict parents. i know i'm still young and i'm not even sure i want to marry him, but for future reference...would a marriage work between him and i? would his parents approve?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Most likely his "strict" parents would not approve, so before you get yourself emotionally involved in a situation that probably won't go anywhere, it would be wise to think about what marriage really means, in the long term! After the honeymoon is over, it's a day-to-day living with someone, and sharing responsibilities and sharing a life style, and especially sharing the same way of worshipping God. When husband and wife do not have fundamental beliefs in common, it usually causes friction, and usually (almost always!) causes problems with relatives - especially the wife's in-laws! then there's the problem of how do you raise your children? You say you're still young, so please,take your time, and don't limit your options, you may meet some Gujarati boy later with whom you would not have all those problems. Blessings, SP

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