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Sikhism Youth - Question and Answer Forum

Dealing with Questions and Issues of Sikh Youth

Summary of Questions:
Show details for Why We Cut Our Nails And Not Hair?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   2 responses[</i></font>]Why We Cut Our Nails And Not Hair? 2 responses
What Is "Parkirma" ?
Hide details for Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   2 responses[</i></font>]Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality? 2 responses
Re: Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality? ( 3/20/1999 7:11 am)
Re: Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality? ( 3/26/1999 6:16 am)
Why Do Sikhs Wear Turbans?
What Is Wrong With A Sikh Person Going On A "Date" With A Girl/Boy?
What Is Wrong With Telling A Lie?
How Come Indian Sikhs Do Not Practice Yoga?
Why Do We Cut The Langar With A Kirpan During Ardas?
Why Do We Cover Our Heads?

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