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Summary of Question:How Can I Change My Religion Back To Being A Sikh
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/10/2001 4:00 PM MDT


I have been married to a muslim for over 7 yrs and our marriage has failed. I was a sikh and still consider myself to be one except that just to keep his family off my back i went to their mosque and changed my religion. I never really practiced sikhism and i have NEVER practiced the muslim religion.
I am leaving him and i really want to change my religion back to becoming a Sikh again. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me! How do i go about it?



You are a Sikh if you consider yourself a Sikh and keep the Sikh tenets. As a Sahajdhari Sikh you walk the road of Sikh Dharma and practice the Guru's teachings. Saying you are this or that without practice doesn't mean anything.

Start reciting the Guru's bani, be with the sadh sangat and the blessings of the Guru will come to you.

If you want to make a formal commitment and are willing to follow the Rehat Maryada, you can take Amrit.

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How Can I Change My Religion Back To Being A Sikh (05/10/2001)
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