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Summary of Question:Guru Nanak Dev Ji Agaisnt Vegeteranism?
Date Posted:Monday, 7/15/2002 12:18 AM MDT

This shabd is written on page 142 line 19 or guru granth sahib ji and continued to page 143..plz expalin its meaning,as to me its sound that we should not be vegetaranian.

Look, and see how the sugar-cane is cut down. After cutting away its branches, its feet are bound together into bundles, and then, it is placed between the wooden rollers and crushed. What punishment is inflicted upon it! Its juice is extracted and placed in the cauldron; as it is heated, it groans and cries out. And then, the crushed cane is collected and burnt in the fire below. Nanak: come, people, and see how the sweet sugar-cane is treated! ||2||

I have often wondered about the meaning of this passage. My understanding is that it is an observation about a reality. I do not think that it is a statement against eating vegitation so much as an analogy about the treatment of sweet people/saintly people.

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Guru Nanak Dev Ji Agaisnt Vegeteranism? (07/15/2002)
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