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Summary of Question:Religions Of The World
Date Posted:Tuesday, 10/22/2002 5:19 PM MDT

Why is Sikhism one of the last religion to be introduced to the world? Why did Christianty, Islam, Hinduism...all come first, why do we have so many different religions?

The Sikh way of life was founded through the teachings of Guru Nanak in the late 1400's. It is a modern spiritual path for today and the future. It is a technology that will soon be practiced more and more for its ability to empower a human to live in spiritual mastery.

The evolution of religion is like the evolution of life. It is a process of history, human thinking and economics. Go to the Library and read a book on comparitive religions and you can learn much more than I can say in a few sentences.

Very simply, see the assorted religions as seperate containers filled with different groups of people. However, God's spirit is so big it cannot be contained. When man tries to contain something he limits it.

This is why we, as Sikhs, relate to the 'sound current' or "Shabd" of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. When we immerse ourselves in the sound we experience INFINITY not a limit. Best to say we are spiritual practitioners practicing a 'way of life' rather than a religion.

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