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Summary of Question:Sikh Names
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 5/24/2002 11:44 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

I have always been wondering about the sikh names.
Most of the sikh names end with Preet , jeet , meet etc.
None of the Sikh Gurus had similar names.
How did this practice start and if a Sikh does not name his or her child as using the above suffixes , is it wrong.

Also another question please.
If Khalsa Panth was started by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, how come all our sikh Guru's starting from Guru Nanak Dev Ji weared Turban.
As far as I have read Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not belong to a sikh family.

Thank you very much
(REPLY) Sorry, I don't know anything about Sikh names as such, but I just want to point out that the Sikh religion did not exist until Guru Nanak's "sishyas" (students), started following his teachings. They became the first Sikhs. Hindus and Muslims both claimed Guru Nanak as their own; Remember the story about how they argued about what to do with his body when he died? Buried or cremated? So, as for turbans, Guru Gobind Singh wisely gave formal instructions for bana to ensure that Sikhs would always be identifiable, and could not be cowards and hide the fact that they were sikhs (as most of his father's Sikhs did, when they ran away when Guru Teg Bahadur was beheaded.) Blessings, SP

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