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Summary of Question:Is An Occasional Cigar Acceptable???
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/31/2002 8:37 AM MDT


Once again I am sorry to bore you with my stupid questions, but I have been thinking for some time. I understand that Sikhi strongly forbids us from drinking and smoking, but quite lately I've been wondering if cigars were acceptable. They are smoked differently to cigarettes, they must never be inhaled unlike cigarettes and are less addictive than cigs. My friend has an occasional one like 5 times in a year. He has been doing it for a long while and he is not addicted. I have been thinking of giving up smoking lately, and I was wondering if an occassional cigar is acceptable???


Sat Nam!!

Everything we decide to do or not to do in life is according to our consciousnes. I can't tell you if smoking a cigar once in a while is OK or not. It is definitely against our Sikh rehit. Why do we have our rehit? Is it not to maintain our purity, mentally, physically and spiritually? You smoke. Why are you thinking of quitting? Is it because someone is telling you it's not good for you, or is it because you have come to it in your consciousness? Personally I feel cigar smoking is disgusting. The smell and after taste are even more repulsive than cigarettes, which also make me sick to my stomach. What is purity? Is it keeping your mind, body, environment free of toxins of all kinds? Think about what you want for your life. Do you want to be "cool" from the external standards of society? Do you want to know from within what is best for you? No one else can make that decision for you. Meditate deeply what you want in your life and then go do whats best. GTKK

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Is An Occasional Cigar Acceptable??? (10/31/2002)
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