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Summary of Question:How Do You Support A Sikh With A Mental Health Issue
Date Posted:Sunday, 3/25/2001 3:14 AM MDT

Dear sir,

I am a support worker working for a charity who support people with a learning disability or mental health issues, as you can imagine we find it very difficult to get information about the day to day activities that as a Sikh the person that I support needs to participate in. In the past we have tried to employ a Sikh support worker but we could not. I am wondering if you could give any information on how a 54 year old male would see his role in life, he is single and we try to take him to the local Temple when we can.

Thank You
Yours Sincerly
Kevin Singleton
Greetings and blessings to you in the Name of God and Guru.

A Sikh sees himself working and earning to support himself and to share with others.

A Sikh lives with his hair and beard uncut as God created him. He combs his hair up into a Rishi knot on the top of his head and places his wooden comb in his hair. Then he ties a turban onto his head.

A Sikh rises before the sun to bathe and meditate on the "Shabd" to clean his mind and uplift himself.

A Silk does selfless service...i.e.seva in the Gurdwara...preparing the food for the free kitchen, cleaning the Gurdwara, serving people many things. Give him some service to do for himself and others.

God bless you, SKKK

A SIkh studies martial arts and learns to defend himself and others.

A Sikh learns to sing the songs of the Guru...Shabds.

You can read him "Sukhmani Sahib" or have him read his daily prayers. The first one is Jap Ji Sahib....which you can find on Sikhnet at:

You can also get tapes and CD's of Gurbani Kirtan(music of the Guru) to play for him during the day and night (automatic reverse player). There are so many on Sikhnet.

Family is very important to A Sikh.

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How Do You Support A Sikh With A Mental Health Issue (03/25/2001)
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