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Summary of Question:Guru Granth Sahib Translated?
Date Posted:Friday, 12/05/2003 11:36 AM MST

well i had a question as to why we are translating the guru granth sahib ji

if we do it will lose all the meaning in it.
we be just like the christian
there would be no difference between us and them.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I agree, that there is nothing that can equal the original Gurumukhi in which Siri Guru Granth Sahib was written. However, for those who do not understand the meaning of the words, translation into local language is a blessing, and gives people an opportunity to learn our Guru's teachings! There is definitely a difference between translating the sacred Word of God spoken by enlightened beings and reading stories written by other people about their version of what happened during the time of Jesus the Christ. Please don't be fanatic! Our Siri Guru Granth Sahib cannnot be exclusively for Granthis to read! Many people who now can read Siri Guru Granth Sahib in the original Gurmukhi, were inspired to learn only after reading in English translations! Of course, I repeat, nothing can equal the original, but let us not deny people the precious opportunity to be inspired and educated and uplifted by our Guru's words -- even in another language! Blessings, SP

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Guru Granth Sahib Translated? (12/05/2003)
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