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Summary of Question:In Which Order?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 6/07/2004 6:32 AM MDT

Sat sri akal to everyone.

In my family, my mom has been the one who as taught me and my brother sikhi. I have always seen sikhi in heer point of view. However, now i have different opinions of certain things. Firstly, the question of kirtan sohaila. She does it after her rehraas while i do mine be4 i sleep. Which is right? Is rebonding my hair or staightening itagainst sikhism? Can i still take hukunama from SGGSJ if i am having my time of the month? One major disagreement i have is that a saint ji came to my house and saud that we should offer our food to SGGsj be4 we eat. I feel that everything in the house is his why belittle Him by offering food?

Iknow this is quite a lot. I apologise.

By the way, i would like to thank sikhnet for having such a wonderful thing as this going on. It truy helps all of us. It is an endless task and i aprreciate what u are doing for us. Thanks!!!!!!

It is my understanding that doing Kirtan Sohila right before you go to sleep is preferrable, because it puts your consciousnes with God for sleeping. But, doing it after Rehras is OK as well. Don't be a fanatic. If you like doing it before bed, great...if your Mom likes after Rehras, thats fine too.

As Sikhs we don't change our bodies from how God made us...but straightening your hair is not doesn't mean you wouldn't be a Sikh. You have to examine your own consciousness and decide how you feel about yourself and your commitment to Sikhi. This is not a judgment on my part. You have to evaluate it for yourself.

As far as taking a hukum during your period, I know there are some very traditional people who believe that it should not be done. Personally, I have never heard it or adhere to it. As long as you are clean and wash your hands, you can take a hukum. God gave we women our periods. It is a very beautiful time. It is a wonderful time to be with the Guru and to pray a lot.

Blessings. GTKK

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