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Summary of Question:Truth In Daily Life - In The Context Of Sikhi
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/26/2005 8:48 AM MDT

I have been thinking about how truthful were supposed to be in terms of our daily lives.

I might post this on a few web sites to get other views on it, but will also appreciate yours:

Points to cover:

Work and employment - selling your self, Can you bend the truth ? Can you be vague?

Not hurting peoples feelings
Not giving all your secrets away
In daily life
When joking with someone


(REPLY) Sat Nam. There are three kinds of truth. There is my (or your) PERSONAL truth: the way we each view and/or describe the world and the events in our lives. Personal truth for each of us is unique, because no other person on the planet has the same exact background, experiences and understanding. Then there is RELATIAVE truth, a generally accepted belief such as that the world is round. However, as we know, there was a time when the accepted relative truth was that the world was flat! So relative truth can change. The ULTIMATE TRUTH which we worship, EK ONG KAR -- SAT NAM is not open to interpretation, modification or debate, it just IS. In our day to day lives, unless we are chanting God's Name with every breath (the ideal!) we are bound to be using the two first forms of truth. Now, with that having been said, I believe, as Sikhs, that we should represent ourselves in all situations as honestly and righteously as possible. As for "Not giving secrets away" -- I don't know what you mean? I don't think we have to speak and say everything that we hear or know! But, in a job application, there is certain information that has to be revealed legally, so that at some later date you don't get into trouble for withholding it. But that doesn't mean you have to tell everything in minute detail. I think common sense with honest intent is all you need -- and as advertising people will tell you, the right choice of words can create the desired impression, without resorting to lying. As for "joking" -- there's something wrong if someone tells a lie and then claims they were "just joking." I don't believe there's any justification for that. And, fact or not, gossiping about anyone else is not righteous. There's a way to speak to someone and avoid hurting their feelings without lying. You just have to think first, before you speak. Suppose somebody is showing you their less than beautiful baby. What can you say? How about, "Wow! What a baby!" Or, "Now, That's a baby!" Or someone's dress is really ugly, you can say, "that's a great color" Be creative and kind.SP

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