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Summary of Question:Re: Jatt's Reign In Sikh History
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/28/2005 7:52 AM MDT

Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Upon reading Jojhar Jerry 'Singh' B's comments I couldn't but help but think what a confused soul this is, his comments also show how misinformed he is.

Any division (no matter how minuscule) goes totally against even the basic principles set about by our Guru’s. All divisions, including the caste system was abhorred by the Guru’s themselves. You have a perfect example of this in our Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It pulls in writings from all walks of life (including Kings, Paupers, high-caste, low-caste and others).

This individual claims some sort of bias against his ‘vocation’, but it is obvious that this individual comes from the West or has at least been educated there. So being a Jatt (farmer) has no relevance to his modern day occupation (which I hazard to suggest is one which more than likely has him stuck in an office for 7 hours a day).

The term Jatt Sikh if also used and I have seen it be used in many other places before hand. Yet, these individuals find it hard to understand that the term Jatt Sikh is an oxymoron. As Guru’s Sikh’s we are urged to drop all other affiliations and accept only the Khalsa Panth as our family. During the Amrit Sanchar Ceremony, everybody drinking Amrit from the Iron Bata signifies this clearly.

Their attempts at name-dropping Jatt icons names do not hold up either. Bhagat Singh rejected Sikhi for most of his life and wrote a book titled ‘Why I Am An Atheist’, which atheists still hold dearly to this day. It is said that he later became a Sikh under the guidance of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh (who was staunchly anti-caste). Kartar Singh Sarabha said he is ‘One hundred percent Indian, Indian is my blood and my caste, This is my only religion, My only tribe, my only clan’. So even he rejected his ‘Jatt roots’. They also quote Sant Bhindrawale, but conveniently miss out on all he said against caste bias.

The fact of the matter is, that primarily Sikhs through the Guru Panth instigated the Morcha’s that occurred against the British Rule. All of these Sikhs that died and fought for independence were Amritdhari and nothing else. They all rejected any division and accepted all as their family.

I think that something that Albert Einstein said once would be most appropriate here; “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence”.

But I think the one thing that sums this Jerry ‘Singh’ up emphatically is his absolutely horrendous use of Bani from Sukhmani Sahib. Not only is it misspelled but also there are words missing! I imagine that reflects his total understanding if Guru’s Bani.

Bhul Chuk Marf Karna Ji


Akaal Sahai Singh
[email protected]

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