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Summary of Question:One God?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/31/2001 1:09 AM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh!

I have been struggling with my inner self about one question for which i am not able to reach to a sound answer and thus i have turned to you. My question is that I and all of us, sikhs, belive in ONE GOD, Ek Onkar. and it is very similar case with many other religions too. Despite of that, we all follow different paths and ways towards god. My point being, that why is it that what is considered wrong in our religion is some times considered right in other religions? Not that i am questioning the Uniqueness of the almighty or any thing but i always wonder that if god is one then he would tell us all the same things being right and wrong, not controdicting things. One example being eating meat. I strictly belive that killing animals for the pleasures of our tastes is wrong where as one of my christian friends sees nothing wrong with it. well, this is just one example, there are many other examples of what our religion has no objections to whereas other religions do. so, why is that? why did the One God told us

all different things being right/wrong?

Before any one answers my question, i just want to say that I respect my religion and all other religions a lot so, i don't believe that one of the other religions is the wrong way to go about life or is a fraud or inferior in any way or any thing to that effect. thus, i am not able to get a justified answer from my self. it would be great if you respond to my question.
One last thing i want to say is that if you think my posting can effect on any one's mind in a negative way ( i mean that if in any way u think that my posting might put a person into doubts about god or takes him/her away from god) then please do not post it and instead just email me back on my personal email account. Thank you very much for the effort you are doing to contribute to the Sikh community.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh!



Dear One:

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
In his "Kabiyo Bach Benatee Chaupaee" Guru Gobind Singh tells us that "everyone describes God differently, according to their own understanding". He also tells us that "some describe God as a Yogi, a seeker, a stone, or a Shiva lingam". In the end, are worshiping the One True Creator, Ik Onkar.

What Guru tells us is that all paths lead to the same God. Each path has its rules and regulations and advice, so to speak. Often the rules have their beginnings in ancient practices or practical reasons, which in modern days are forgotten. This does not make them wrong; I am telling you this so that you understand that there were (once) reasons for the differences in the practices. Now all we see are the differences.

Additionally, some of these different practices stem directly from how a particular religious group or faith describes God. How one practices if he/she views God as a stone versus seeing God everywhere is bound to be different. Guru teaches us to respect others' right to worship as they see fit, and 9th Guru Teg Bahadur took this to the limit by giving his life for Hindus' right to worship their own way.

You will find that many many religions have similar moral codes along with their differences in practices, such as eating meat or not. This is another testatment to the truth that all Paths lead to Ik Onkar. This is why we don't judge other people's faiths or restrict them as Sikhs, even though we may not agree with them personally.

Sikhi offers us a very distinct path and set of practices, or Rehit. You could study the historical and sociological events that led to Sikhism, but in the end, it is up to you to decide that Sikhi works for your internal moral code, so to speak. Do not misunderstand me: I have see that at some point, everyone who practices a faith makes a CONCIOUS decision to abide by the tenets and practices of the faith, and questions come up before that decision is made!

I hope this gives you perspective and understanding. Guru Rakha!

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