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Summary of Question:Turban- How To Deal With Ridicule?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/05/2005 6:28 PM MDT


Is'nt it impracticable to carry a card or a pamhlet while u r going to Taco Bell or any other place to dine. You wanna enjoy ur life and not always think abt other people. For my case I am sikh guy with a turban and i enjoy myself with wat i do. I do go to places and i have'nt seen anyone laughing at me or at my turban. No one passes comment on me. I guess people laugh at u when u r not presentable or if u cant carry urself properly. I have seen people laughing at white guys even when they cant carry themselves properly. For me no one can make u feel depressed or make u feel low until and unless u wanna. I feel ashamed abt when people say that i am made fun of how i look. To be respected by someone u have to start loving urself. When ur confident and content the way u look no one can make fun of u. I am studying in the university and i interact with white people and they dont have any prblms interacting with me. If u r normal in front of them, then they will also feel normal with u.
I just have an advice that watever u confident abt it. Wether u r wearing a turban or just doin ur normal work. and on my side i am not religious, but i do take pride of my roots. I know where i come form and wat are my values that is embedded in me and no one can change it.U dont have to go on preaching to other people abt why we wear a turban. If someone is intrested abt it, then talk to him. If someone does laugh at u, then reply him back and insult him, this is just my thaughts. I do not believe in Gandhiji values.

I agree with everything you have said, except your last 2 lines. Instead of insulting someone back, which means that you are lowering yourself to their level, try asking them a question...with, "Would you like to know something about my turbin?" Or, "Is there something you would like to know about me, that would help you understand, instead of laugh out of ignorance?" Remember, you must say it with sincerity...not cynicism or sarcasm. If you are truly secure within your self, you don't need to insult someone or be rude. That is not the Guru's way. Some one who is insulting is just insecure and misinformed. Who will inform them if not us? Be kind and compassionate and informative. YOu'll see, it will work. Good luck. GTKK

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