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Summary of Question:I Can't Read Punjab So Done It Matter???
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/03/2002 9:27 PM MDT


I can't read Punjab so is it ok if I read in English done it matter. e.g.: Guru Granth Sahib and other staff also that translation the Punjab to English.

So I have try learning Punjab but I can?t get it in my head it is very hard but, I can speak Punjab.

So can you answer my question? THANK YOU

(REPLY) A wise man said, "If you can't have best, make best of what you have." Obviously, the best way to read Siri Guru Granth Sahib is in the original language in which it was written (which is NOT Punjabi, but Gurumukhi). But certainly you will benefit from reading in English! As for learning Gurumukhi, it really isn't that hard, because it is a phonetic script that was specially created to make it easy for people to read! So, again, please note that Gurmukhi (from the "mouth of the Guru") is different from the Punjabi language. (And if I could learn to read Gurumukhi, anybody can!) Blessings, Sp

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