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Summary of Question:White People
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/04/2006 4:38 PM MDT

Sometimes I can't stand white people. Like I have a lot of white friends but like when I see some white kid that I don't know, I just feel so angry towards them. Sometimes they think they're better than coloured people. Like at my school, there's a lot of black people. The black people don't really cause any problems but the white people will just think they're all that and think they're bigger than everyone else saying things like, "Who does that black b**** think she is? She should be still picking cotton." And then the white people will try to act all gangster and ghetto and its so pathetic. And if like somewhere smells like food or something, they'll be like "Oh, I smell some Indians." It makes me so mad. So our school is like racially divided. All the black people and indian people stick together and the white people have their own little cliques. Am I racist? I don't really feel like I am but sometimes I just get so angry towards white people.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It is very sad but unfortunately often the case that in high school (or Junior High?) the behavior of kids of any color is just about the worst it can be. Everyone at that age is insecure, and they try to make themselves feel better by belittling whoever seems "different" from them. Hopefully they will grow out of it, and hopefully you will meet some decent people of all colors and races in your life as an adult. There are kind, honorable, respectable people of all colors and all races. What you are experiencing is the stupidity of the young. Have you ever thought about forming a club or group of inter=faith or some kind of inter-racial studies? It might be something you could speak with a Counselor about and see if there is some way to educate the students. Meanwhile, realize when you hate anyone, that vibration of hate is in you -- and it's poison. It may or may not affect the other person, but it will end up making you sick. When you start to feel hate-- even when someone is acting really, really mean, mentally thank God it's not you doing it! and ask God to bless that person with wisdom and tolerance. Don't say anything out loud, just pray for everyone silently.And you can also call on Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles, to bring harmony and peace and understanding into your environment -- and the world! The world needs it too! Blessings, SP

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