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Summary of Question:Being Abused
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/07/2002 1:00 PM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa, whaheguru ji ki fateh

I have a uncle who lives with my family. he is a sikh and does path everymorning. but one time he touched me,it was not the way an uncle shoudl touch. and he did that couple more times. but i screamed at him and told him that if he ever touched me again,i am going to tell everyone. what my problem is that no one will believe except for my sister i know she believs me because he did that to her also . i told my parents and they dont believe me, i acant even stay in my own house without fear. i cant sleep at nights, every little sound wakes me in fear. i been depressed for the past couple of months i dont know what to do. their was also my dads friend who did that also but i moved away from hima nd havenot seen im in years but i cant get away from m uncle. thank u very much
(REPLY) Sat Nam. If your parents don't believe you, then both your sister and you need to tell them that if they don't do something about it, you are going to report your Uncle to the authorities. And do it! I'm sure there is a counselor at your school that you could talk to. Unfortunately, some girls have made up stories of abuse, and that is why many times adults are skeptical, but if you are absolutely sure and honest that your uncle has made sexual advances to you, then you need to take action. Can you get your parents at least to put a lock on your bedroom door? Another thing is keep your distance from the man if you can. Please write back and let us know what happens. Blessings, SP

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